Our Services

01-Research and Analytics 

You need Daystar Management Consultancy.

No two consultancies are the same.  Many are skilled in certain areas that are suitable for projects with specific needs.  But your project may require multiple services and even services that are beyond the scope of many service providers in the industry.  And that’s where we separate ourselves from other consulting firms. With our highly-skilled staff and our network of professionals in many industries and exclusive specialties, we’re able to provide almost any service necessary to meet your project expectations – every time.


Research and Analytics 

We provide targeted research and analytical services to individual investors, corporations, government, and local and international development organizations.   


  • Macro and sectoral policy studies   
  • Social protection, service provision, and community development  
  • Workforce development, job creation, labour market, and training studies 
  • Trade and investment 
  • Impact evaluation of development interventions   
  • Formative and action research  
  • Public and reproductive health studies  



  • Population-based surveys – coverage, prevalence, knowledge, attitudes, behaviour, and practice surveys 
  • Beneficiary-based panel/follow-up surveys  
  • Community health, food, and nutrition status monitoring surveys 
  • Water, sanitation and hygiene assessment 
  • Public opinion and customer satisfaction surveys for private or public organizations of any size 
  • Other social, economic or environmental assessments  


Institutional and System Analysis 

  • Organizational capacity assessment  
  • Stakeholder analysis/mapping  
  • Partnership and coordination systems  
  • Business environment assessments 
  • Monitoring and evaluation systems 
  • System design, review, and development 

02-Capacity Development

Capacity development needs to be an essential part of your organizational strategy for sustainability and integrated development. The focus should be on developing an ‘active’ organization where individuals establish and enable an environment that will positively change.



Institutional Capacity Building

We see capacity-building as an avenue for transformational change. Our approach to institutional capacity-building uses technical and functional areas across three dimensions where capacities exist: the enabling environment, the organizations, and the individuals.  

Daystar uses this framework to guide your capacity needs assessment and analysis. We develop useful and practical recommendations for you to address across the three dimensions.  

Our strategic process is supported by the need for capacity building to provide real-time, local support, and specific solutions to address your needs. Whether you’re in government, a civil society, or part of the private sector, our capacity development services are a required positive change method.  

Our demand-driven services under this category include: 

  • Capacity assessment, 
  • Capacity & strategy development  
  • Design and implementation of new systems or improvement of existing structures such as monitoring, evaluating,, and learning techniques for government and non-government clients, 
  • Targeted training and coaching, 
  • Developing internal policy documents, standard operating procedures, and manuals, 
  • Information management and learning systems (supporting database management, digital reporting, feedback loop, and knowledge-sharing platforms).  

03-Project and Grant Management Services 


Outsourcing Your Services

  • There is a growing trend with organizations outsourcing their non-core functions to private contractors. We give your organization unprecedented access to outside talent through contracting out part of your organization’s operations temporarily or long term. Whether you need to contract out Project Management, Information Technology Support, Human Resource Management, or other services, we will provide you with customized options. We bring on local and international expertise to meet your needs.   

    Daystar can take the role of ‘champion’ in this model by helping a significant transition to outsource part of your functions to improve your bottom line and other business goals that are important to you.  

    Grant Management 

    We implement knowledge-driven projects financed by government, private industry, development finance institutions, UN agencies, or similar groups. Organizations that follow a social enterprise business model bring the private sector and the NGO advantages.  

    We bid for third-party financing opportunities for grant applications, cooperative agreements, concept development, and other public-private partnerships to achieve social development goals.  

    Currently, we focus on:  

    • Demand-driven grants to support local innovations to unlock opportunities and community proposed solutions.  
    • Evidence-based interventions are crossing human rights, democratization, peace and security, dialogue on national reform agendas, government policies and laws, and other strategic issues.  
    • Social enterprise development  
    • Promoting public-private-partnership in strategic economic clusters, such as extraction, mining, and agribusiness.
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